May 2016

Emergency Preparedness Fair
One of the best things a city government can do is help its citizens help themselves. The Emergency Preparedness Fair on April 21 was a great example of that. It made me proud to see so many of staff from a number of city departments sharing their expertise and resources. And from what I could tell, it was very well-received by Lake Oswego residents.

Lean Oswego

Erica Rooney received this message from a staff person with Northwest Natural: "Prior to meeting fifteen months ago, the average permitting timeline [for street cut permits] was 3+ weeks. We are now around 5 days. This is simply amazing. We are incredibly grateful for the attention you paid to this issue, and the time you invested to make it better. Many thanks from everyone on our team." 

Research on "Lean" processes has found that this kind of improvement in turnaround time has a double benefit. Not only does it improve customer service, but by significantly reducing the amount of work in the pipeline, it also improves staff efficiency.

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