May 2015

Naming Contest

We need a snappier name for our Continuous Process Improvement program. Please think of some good labels, and enter them into a naming contest. We'll all vote, and the winner will be memorialized in an equestrian statue in the center of the Iron Mountain roundabout (well, it will be a virtual one with the help of Photoshop). Words that are associated with this program are Quality, Customer, and Lean. Acronyms are fine, but CPI seems to have been taken (and not to be confused with our PCI - pavement condition index - and CIP - capital improvement program). To submit your entry, just fill out this quick form:

Have you ever been on the phone, trying to give someone your e-mail address? Do you get tired of saying "dot," and does the other person get confused? Well, our sparky colleagues in IT have created a solution. A new series of web name extensions opened up, and the IT department snagged Much simpler, yes?

We won't print out new business cards or re-paint the police cars just for this. Instead, we'll do a "soft roll-out." Use the new address (good for both the web site and e-mail addresses) where it's easy to update, such as electronic publications. When you do print new cards or outfit a vehicle, use the new address. It may take a few years to fully make the switch, but that's okay. Both addresses will work.

Here are some tips and guidelines from IT:
  • For the web address, it doesn't matter if you put "www" in front. Both "" and "" work. Sometimes it's good to put www in front so people know it's a web address; use your own judgment.
  • Capitalization doesn't matter either. looks a little classier, but works just as well. Most e-mail addresses are all lower case, so would be appropriate.
  • will get you into the web site, but when you navigate around in it, your browser will show the old 
  • People can send you mail using, but when you hit reply, it will show the response coming from
  • All the former shortcuts and extensions still work with the new web address. For example, you can get to the library page via in the same way you can with (and isn't it easier to type?)

Last month, Megan Phelan received national recognition with the Pacesetter Award, given by the National Public Employees Labor Relations Association (NPELRA). And Ivan Anderholm has earned the distinction of being a "Certified Parks & Recreation Executive," one of only 129 nationwide.

If you or your colleagues receive any awards or recognition from professional or community organizations, please let me know.   --Scott

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