March 2014

Meetings With Staff
One of my resolutions for 2014 is to meet individually with every member of the city staff. We've tried to block off Thursdays for this, and it's become the highlight of my week. I've thorough enjoyed learning about the background, talents, ideas, and interests of the folks working for the city.

Some staff members have asked, "when's our turn?" Anne-Marie Simpson is handling the logistics, and this is a challenge with different shifts and locations for staff. The last few weeks, I've been meeting with police department staff, and as our largest department, this will just take some time.

Quarterly Briefing
Anne-Marie has also scheduled the first 2014 city manager briefing on current issues and Q&A session for Wednesday, March 19 at 10:00 a.m. in the Willamette Room of the West End Building. Join us if you can. Free coffee and donuts!

The Evergreen Group, developers of the proposed Block 137 (Wizer) project have asked for a continuance of the Design Review process to see if they can address some of the concerns raised by the Design Review Commission.

On March 18, if everything goes as planned, the City Council will formally adopt the long-anticipated update to the Comprehensive Plan. Congratulations to the staff of the Planning & Building Department and to the community members who have worked so diligently on this project. It is a major milestone in the City Council's goals.

We were as surprised as anyone on Google's announcement that Lake Oswego is being seriously considered as a Google Fiber community. The availability of 1,000 megabit per second (gigabit) broadband service will be a fantastic opportunity for our residents. Google is asking for information on mapping, location of utilities, right-of-way permitting process, and other technicial information. At this stage, David Kudna in Engineering is the point person in communicating with Google. If our information seems OK--and we're confident it will be--Google will, later this year or early in 2015, invite residents to sign up to have their neighborhoods be the first served. For more information, see

Thanks to the staff of all departments, and especially Streets, for taking care of our community during February's snow storm. I attended the debriefing session on February 14, and was so impressed by the professionalism of our staff, and the willingness of departments to support each other.

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