July 2019

A Fond Farewell
This will be my last post as LO city manager. It's been an honor and pleasure to be able to go to work every day with people whose company I truly enjoy.

Sandy and I look forward to continuing to enjoy life in Lake Oswego. And when I hear the police or fire sirens, walk in the parks and shop at the Farmers Market, check out books in the library, take advantage of programs at the ACC, drive on newly-paved streets, turn on the faucet for a drink of good clean water...I'll be thinking of you.    --Scott

Introducing New Staff

Shawn Ishihara is our newest employee in the finance department, taking the place of Amanda Creek who now works in the fire department. Shawn was born and raised in Maui, and was actively involved in the management of their family business (a retail grocery store). She already had an Oregon connection, though: her son graduated from Linfield College and now works as an RN. She lives in Mountain Park, and she and her husband enjoy hiking. And they have a "small house dog" named Bella.

Kat Kluge has joined the administrative support staff in the planning & building department. She has worked there part time since last August, and was officially hired for her full-time position on May 9. Kat was born and raised in Boring and graduated from Sam Barlow High. After high school she worked in Seattle for a while, doing court reporter work for the national government. After living in other parts of the country, she returned to the Portland area four or five years ago. Kat lives in Gresham, and has 9 and 13 year old daughters. She and her family enjoy camping and hiking. The girls have a bunny and chickens.