February 2015

City Council Goals

At their January 10 retreat, the members of the City Council discussed their goals for the coming year and beyond.  The following list is a draft and hasn't been formally reviewed by the Council, but it reflects the gist of the Council's discussion.

2015 City Council Goals

Balance community expectations for city services, infrastructure maintenance and facilities within existing resources, adjusting taxes and fees, when necessary, with fiscal prudence and restraint

Sell the West End Building.

Balance the goals of community aesthetics and environmental quality with the preservation of property rights and individual freedom

Adopt changes to the development code by June, 2015 to implement the reform of regulations on “sensitive lands.”

Convene a community dialog on the tree code to see if there is a better way to meet the intent of the code while responding to residents’ desire for less stringent regulation.

2015 and 2016
Streamline the development code to make it more business-friendly, while still maintaining community standards.

Improve the city's infrastructure to meet current standards and provide for managed future growth

To the extent finances are available, invest in a street maintenance program that will, over five years, result in attaining and maintaining a Pavement Condition Index of 70.

Develop a financially feasible plan for a community facility (library services, meeting rooms, police presence) in Lake Grove in conjunction with the Boones Ferry project.

Long Term
Complete new or expanded Police/LOCOM facilities (by 2016). Upgrade the Operations Center (by 2017). Complete Boones Ferry Improvements (by 2019).

Build funds through a set-aside in the operating budget to complete major repairs to the exterior walls and windows of City Hall.

Identify strategies for making it safer and easier to walk and bicycle in neighborhoods. When planning for major road resurfacing projects, include cost estimates for associated paths and/or sidewalks.

Consider the feasibility and options for a bike/pedestrian trail on or near the Willamette Shoreline Trolley right-of-way.

Build the tax base by supporting business investment in Lake Oswego

Complete property acquisition and actively market the North Anchor properties. Plans for development should involve nearby residents and other community members, as well as those with expertise in the market for commercial real estate.

With the involvement of property owners and surrounding residents, develop a plan for the southwest industrial area.

Improve the effectiveness of Lake Oswego’s city government

Hold a community round table forum twice per year.

Long Term
Consider a ballot measure making housekeeping (not substantive) changes to the Charter on the November 2016 election.

Identify strategies for reducing state mandates and preemptions and returning local control to our community.