July 2014

News & Events

Pardon Our Mess!  There is work going on all over town. LO-Tigard water project, Kerr Parkway, PGE transmission line upgrade, and much more. The city web site and LOTWP website have maps and schedules to let folks know what's happening when.

Wizer (Block 137) Development. The developer submitted revised plans on June 2. See the web site for information about the project, including the developer's narrative description of the changes they made in response to concerns from the Design Review Commission. It will probably be scheduled for DRC consideration again in late July.

West End Building. On June 3, the City Council approved a purchase and sale agreement with Nick Bunick for the WEB. It gives Mr. Bunick two months for his "due diligence" inspection of the property, and to arrange financing. For the time being, at least, the agreement assumes that the current city uses of the building will continue. Stay tuned...

Lake Oswego University is taking a brief summer break...and is also inviting new enrollment for the fall term. Classes meet over lunch on the second and fourth Thursdays (starting again on September 11). No prerequisites necessary; just an inquiring mind. If you're interested, please contact LOU Provost Anne-Marie Simpson. For continuing students, no need to re-register; see you at the special summer session on August 14 (with no reading homework!).

Personal Notes

For many organizations, summer is a relatively quiet time. For cities like ours, summer is the busiest time--construction projects, events like the 4th of July parade, Farmers Market, concerts and movies in the parks, and the list goes on. At the same time, we want to enjoy the Oregon summer weather with our families, and travel while the kids are out of school, so we're often short-staffed. Thanks to all of you who get us through it and make it all work.

"How come my colleague got a birthday card from the city manager, but I didn't?" -- Lonely in LO.
Dear Lonely: Don't feel left out! The cards are commemorating birthday milestones that end in a zero...so the most you'll have to wait is nine years.

Finally, our hearts go out Fire Lieutenant Kevin Soyk who lost his son Hayden in a car accident.