You’ve heard of the Oscar, Emmy, and Grammy awards...now’s your chance to

Win a LOONI Award!

(Lake Oswego Original & New Idea award)

Great Prizes!
· Some cool LO swag
· Your name in a Lake Oswego Review article that you can send to relatives
· The warm glow of seeing your idea implemented (maybe)
· Other stuff we haven’t thought of yet

Contest Rules:
1. Come up with an innovative idea to: save money...or provide better service...or do things better...or quit doing something altogether
2. Form a team to develop and refine your idea. The team should bring a range of skills and experience, and it must include at least one person from a different department
3. Present your idea to an esteemed panel of Judges

Presentations will be judged on: originality of the idea (crazy ideas welcome); diversity of the team; and quality of the presentation

To participate: simply have one member of your team send an e-mail to Scott Lazenby saying “we’re in!” — ASAP but no later than November 30. Presentations will be scheduled in January, 2017

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