Lake Oswego University 2018-19

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In December of 2015, around 30 Lake Oswego staff members earned their diploma from Lake Oswego University. The diploma, suitable for framing, stated in reference to the university's credentials, "Completely Non-Accredited but a lot of fun." We called it a "Master of Public Administration Lite" -- it covered the same kind of management and leadership topics that make up the curriculum of a real MPA program, but without the tests, grades, or term papers.

It's been four years since that program kicked off, and since then we've welcomed new staff. And folks who were interested at the time, but couldn't participate due to time or other constraints, are now able to do so. And many of the graduates have missed the intellectual stimulus the program provided. So the "faculty" reconvened and are enthusiastic about offering it again, beginning in January 2018.

What it Is

  • A twice per month gathering of staff from all parts of the city organization to learn about and discuss a wide range of leadership and personal effectiveness topics. 
  • It will probably be on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, from noon to 1:00. The day of the week will be based on a survey of those who express interest in the program. 
  • Like most MPA programs, it will be a two-year experience, with seasonal breaks along the way. 
  • The meeting location will be based partly on the size of the cohort that signs up, and the participants' work locations.

New For This Session

  • A limited reading load. The 2014-15 cohort read whole books, one per month. This time we'll get to the meat by assigning only a chapter or two, or using shorter journal articles, and even Ted Talks where appropriate. We don't want to make participation a barrier for folks with busy work and home lives.
  • All the material will be new. We welcome 2015 graduates to come back and join us for a post-graduate experience, and help lead the discussions. 
  • One of the guiding principles for the new police station and city hall is to "build for the 22nd century." Following that philosophy, the LOU program will be completely paperless, and it will be completely mobile. For participants who don't already have a work laptop or tablet, IT will equip you with a Lake Oswego University Chromebook that you can use for reading, watching videos, and taking notes...anywhere that has a WiFi connection.
Qualifications and Pre-Requisites

  • None whatsoever. NO requirements for any particular academic or job background. 
  • NO requirement that participants be interested in any particular career path; the material covered will be helpful for ANY job, or for life itself. 
We can do this because everyone the City of Lake Oswego hires is intelligent, and can make a valuable contribution to a discussion about working and leading in organizations.

Working Around Work Schedules
The department heads have committed to exploring ways for their staff to attend the program if at all possible. If you think scheduling will make it impossible, talk to your supervisor before dismissing the idea. For some, like LOCOM dispatchers on the late shift, it might not work out, but we might be able to offer an "on-line" option for joining the in-class group in the readings and some on-line discussions--so tell us if you're interested anyway. And we would welcome a fire station crew, complete with engine parked outside, knowing that the participants would rotate over the three shifts, and may need to disappear in the middle of the class when a call comes in.

Added Bonus
A nice side effect of the 2014-15 program is the creation of an alumni network. LOU provided an opportunity to get to know and appreciate staff from other departments.

ARE YOU INTERESTED? If so, just send an e-mail to Provost Anne-Marie Simpson. This will get you on the mailing list for a survey on your preference for meeting day, and topics you'd like to see covered.

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